Learn strategies to live your best life possible during and after invasive candidiasis.

If you or your loved one has been diagnosed with invasive candidiasis, you may have a lot of questions. This section addresses what to expect and how you can take care of yourself or your loved one to live the best life possible after an invasive candidiasis diagnosis.
Knowing What to Expect
Everyone’s treatment course will be different but here are some common issues faced by patients with invasive candidiasis:
- Most patients with invasive candidiasis will have prolonged stays in the hospital, typically starting in the ICU but also in a less acute setting for additional treatment and observation. This can be a prolonged period—measured in weeks and perhaps lasting more than a month.
- Alternatively, your provider may have you complete a course of therapy at home. It’s important to talk through your anticipated journey and how to optimize care.
- Since your provider should start your therapy as early as possible, your therapy may have started before your provider knew which type of Candida you have. Therefore, you will most likely see a change in therapy. Also, the plan is to typically step down from the initial therapy to a less intense agent (often oral) while you recover from your infection.
- In other circumstances, your provider may need to use combination therapy if the invasive candidiasis does not respond to the first therapy used or if resistance levels are high.
- As mentioned, your provider will attempt to eliminate the source of the infection. That might involve removing catheters, infected prosthetic devices, joints, or drainage of infected material or surgery. However, some people can’t eliminate the source of the Candida. See the Sidebar Chronic Invasive Candidiasis: Getting Back to the Source.
- With some of the drugs, particularly azoles, your provider may need to monitor drug levels. If you are taking other medications, the antifungal drug may affect their level or those medications may affect the level of your antifungal. Let the providers prescribing those medications know when you are starting or stopping an antifungal drug.
- If you are a caregiver, get some support for yourself. Keep up with your own health and try to build in time to recharge.
- Get involved. Your experience with invasive candidiasis has impacted your life. That experience could help others. Would you like to help us advocate for improved candidiasis care? Click here to connect with us, and we can explore opportunities for you to make a difference!
Before you or your loved one starts a therapy, you should ask your doctor to contact your health insurance company to find out whether these medications are covered by your insurance and if you will be responsible for paying any part of the bill. You can also look into coverage on your own by contacting your insurance company. Consider the following:
- If you have commercial insurance. With commercial insurance, you may receive co-pay assistance from the drug manufacturer. Financial assistance information for branded antifungals is shown under each drug’s name.
- If you have insurance from a federal/state program (such as Medicare, Medicaid, or Tricare). If you have insurance through a federal/state insurance program, you can’t receive financial assistance from the drug manufacturer, but you may be eligible for co-pay assistance from an independent charitable foundation.
- If you are not insured. If you are not insured, you may be eligible for free medications through drug manufacturers, charitable organizations, or designated hospitals, depending on your income. To find additional financial assistance, see hrsa.gov
- Which type of therapy you are receiving (oral vs IV). For insurance purposes, oral drugs may be treated differently than IV drugs. If you are on Medicare, oral drugs will, most likely, be covered under Medicare Part D, which is the prescription drug benefit. IV drugs will be covered under Medicare Part B. Note that there may be an out-of-pocket cost difference because of this differentiation.
- Whether you will be able to work. Treatments can affect your ability to work. Here are some questions to ask yourself: Are you able to miss work during treatment, either to receive infusions or because of the side effects of therapy? Does your work require you to travel? If you work full time, can you arrange a flexible schedule to meet your treatment requirements? It’s important to consider these factors and find out your legal protections under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). The Patient Advocate Foundation (800.532.5274) can assist in this process.
- Caregivers should know their resources. Check out this US government page that provides resources for caregivers, including information about paid family leave and paid caregiving programs. The Society of Critical Care Medicine has a range of resources on critical illness on the My ICU Care Thrive site.